• Technology has already transformed our homes and it is now re-shaping the workplace, how we work and interact.

    In the life sciences sector where we are seeing increasing progress in advancing scientific knowledge resulting in reduced costs and presenting new and innovative devices, such as advanced robotics and artificial intelligence, this is perhaps more noticeable than some other sectors. The result is a requirement to create new ways of working and ensuring continued engagement with your workforce whilst at the same time attracting the right level of new entries.

    The UK Commission for Employment and Skills report ‘The Future of Work – Jobs and Skills 2030’ suggests that the jobs which have traditionally occupied the skills hierarchy and earnings range, such as white collar administrative roles and skilled/ semi-skilled blue collar roles, are declining at a significant rate due to changes in work organisation driven by technology and globalisation.

    If you are not already doing so, you will need to start responding to this changing global landscape as it is likely to have a major impact on your business models and the way your work is organised.

    Accordingly, individuals and employers will need to address this emerging gap and make sure both are equipped to ensure employability and maintain productivity within businesses.

    Research shows that the life sciences sector is thriving and job postings are at a high. However, companies need employees with expert scientific skills who also possess the abilities, education, and business acumen to drive their business forward. Some suggest, such candidates are not emerging in the marketplace and this has resulted in delayed product releases, lower customer satisfaction and diminished revenue.

    What can be done?
    Given the intense pressure life sciences businesses are under with increase competition, complicated regulations and industry consolidation, it is critical that employees have the right skill set and employers are able to attract those people. Business may want to start to consider what action can be taken now to prepare for this new world of work. We suggest some ideas below:

    • Look internally – Identify those already employed by the business and showing potential and look to develop the talent that you already have.
    • Rethink other routes – Consider alternative routes into business such as apprenticeships which combine both work and study and allow individuals to learn about the business as they develop.
    • Find the right partnerships – Consider developing a ‘community hub’ bringing together local councils, business, schools and colleges so each can understand the requirements and demands of the local business community and workforce coming through and can collaborate to access critical skills.
    • Workforce diversity – Prepare for increasing diversity in the workforce by supporting a greater range of flexible working arrangements and adapting organisational values.
    • Employee engagement – Think of alternative ways of attracting the best workforce, for example, employee perks such as the ability to buy extra holiday.

    If you would like to discuss the above further, in particular employee engagement and alternative ways of working please do not hesitate to contact our Employment team.

    This content is correct at time of publication

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